(Men’s) Emancipation
We often think of the Netherlands as a global leader on emancipation, but there are still far too many people who encounter limitations in society. Because of origin, colour, appearance, age, a disability, sexual orientation and also because of their sex or gender. To ensure fair opportunities for all, we need to break down barriers. We need to talk about a new culture, about changes in society. And within GRENSVERLEGGERS, this is done through all kinds of projects.
Several groups within GRENSVERLEGGERS have focused on (men's) emancipation, they started a conversation with each other and in their environment about gender roles, about traditional interpretations of masculinity and its social impact. These projects were started by young people because they want to determine their own future and no longer want to be constrained by gender roles. They want freedom of choice, free from the boxes 'man' and 'woman' and the roles attached to them.
Men’s emancipation?
To work towards a society where there are fair opportunities, freedom and security for women and queer persons, you need to work with boys and men as well, by promoting caring masculinity and preventing violent masculinity. So that we stop saying 'Boys will be boys' and thereby also limit boys in who they might be. How often have you heard someone say 'Big boys don't cry?' How could that also effect boys' mental health?
Reinvent the wheel?
There is no need to reinvent the wheel for this! On this page, you can access inspiration, toolkits and find previous projects carried out within GRENSVERLEGGERS.
Fragment from Sunny Bergman's documentary 'Man Made'. On the testosterone myth (cc available)
Fragment from the BBC documentary ‘No more boys and girls, can our kids go genderfree?
Podcast on men’s emancipation with Bas one of the Grensverlegger trainers.
Podcast on 21st century feminism and it explores the issues, the drama, the empowerment and all things feminists.
Toolkit filled with background information, links to books, movies, excercises and other sources.
Guide filled with games and formats to be used in workshops, meetings etc.
More resources
Previous projects
Talk show on LGBTQA+ rights, human rights and 'coming-out'.
A short fim about the sruggles of students, for instance with gender norms
Awareness about taboo topics related to cultural and/or religious background.
A project to start conversations amongst students about consent and healthy relationships.
Documentary series on toxic masculinity and its consequences on an individual, relational and societal level
Aftercare for survivors of sexually transgressive behaviour and their communities.
Online platform for fellow sufferers of sexually transgressive behaviour and to promote discussions.
Confessional used to anonymously share experiences and feelings around masculinity.
To break the taboo on domestic violence, by talking about it.
Workshop developed to talk to young people about toxic masculinity and its origins.
A toolkit that helps you to have in dept conversations with men about their relationship to the patriarchy
Online safe space where people can anonymously share their stories and experiences, ask questions etc.
A game is to empower male vulnerability in a fun way. Accessible and fun to play in new environments.
Voorkomen dat jongeren tussen de 12 en 16 jaar oud in aanraking komen met en/of verleid worden tot criminaliteit
The 5D bystander intervention adjusted for men, to promote safety for all.
A nice walk for men, to talk with each other about their mental health.
Card game developed to discuss sex and sexually transgressive behaviour and break taboos.
Want to know more about a project? Or get in touch with someone from a project group? Then send an email, with your question and the name of the group to Hallo@grensverleggers.nu and we will forward it for you.
Classroom board game to talk about sexuality at an early age, in a playful way
A soccer tournament with a focus on building connections.
Over De Lijn - Disseminators (Dutch)
Over De Lijn - Toxic Masculinity (Dutch)
Over De Lijn -Health (Dutch)
Safe (Men) Space - bystander intervention
Over De Lijn -Effects (Dutch)
Safe Haven - Website (Dutch)