Who do I see?

The second weekend of Grensverleggers was a success. As a group, we incorporated the experiences and learning moments well into our working style and broadening vision. Workshops were held on various topics that can improve the product. For instance, we looked a lot at how to optimise our card game for all target groups. Furthermore, we looked at what we want to achieve with the game.

During the weekend, we got to see and admire many other projects. Many strong ideas and plans emerged from which we draw inspiration.

What we want to achieve with our game is to empower male vulnerability in a fun way. This is how we came up with our idea to help the Hogeschool van Amsterdam intro weeks. The game is accessible and fun to play with new environments. So there is depth, but also a light-hearted way of playing the game. Who' will be there?

On the last day of frontiersmen's preparations for the event, we gave the design attention. So there are photos with the proto-type and we are working hard to create a final image. We just want to produce it and then we can pass the game on and the interested.

Thank you for your attention and hopefully we will see you playing the game?

Stigma Vulnerable Masculinity

Deelnemers: Ruby, Indy, Sarah L, Sarah K, Zachery, Jimmy

Coach: Elara

Thema: stigma kwetsbare mannelijkheid

Doelgroep: Mannen 18 tot 50




Let’s have a walk!