Space For Non- Patriarchal Men
Hi! We are Anna and Nadine. We both like to explore new things and to engage in deep, meaningful conversations. Our curious brains often wander off to topics such as sexuality, vulnerability and all forms of love.
On the left Anna, on the right Nadine
We both read The will to change: Men masculinity and love by Bell Hooks*. Hooks says that:
“To create loving men, we must love males. Caring about men because of what they do for us is not the same as loving males for simply being”.
Bell hooks also emphasizes that patriarchy is the problem, not men. Women can be just as loyal to patriarchy, even though men might reap more rewards. That is why we, as women, want to create a safe space for men. A space where they feel heard and loved. A space where we can ask: “How has patriarchy harmed you? And how has this impacted your relationship with sexuality?”. We want to show men that together we can create safe spaces, and collectively dismantle patriarchy.
We asked three men to read The will to change. We already interviewed one of them and we will interview the other men in the following weeks. After these interviews, they will get together to discover the differences and similarities of their experiences. Nadine will lead the conversation and ask them to brainstorm possible courses of action. Anna has interviewed one man and she has organized a focus group about sexuality and gender roles. This focus group proved successful! Anna will host more focus groups, discussing the influence of patriarchal culture on sexuality.
Nadine interviewing a man
Let’s get the ball rolling
Our goal is to set an example. To show men, through one-on-one interviews and through focus groups that we are willing to listen. Our goal is that these conversations will continue without us. By having meaningful conversations with a few men, we hope that these men in turn will talk to their friends. We hope to light fire that spreads, that can shed light on male suffering and warm their hearts.
*Bell Hooks is the name of her great-grandmother. Her pen name does not use capital letters to show that what she writes is more important than who she is.